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Skip to contentPhysics Problems for Practice and Review
This is an open site hosting a variety of physics problems for practice and study, at the University of Waterloo.
Problems are currently organized in two units: Mechanics and Energy and Momentum. Within each unit you will find sets of guided problems that are broken down step-by-step , as well as a range of practice problems that are less directed. You are able to test your knowledge and receive instantenous feedback. Before you begin we recommend you read about how to Provide Responses in Mobius (e.g., how to type in formulae, draw vectors in the free body diagram box, etc.)
Each problem has a "How did I do" button that allows you to see the correct response as well as some detailed feedabck.
If you have any technical issues, please check the Mobius Help pages first. For any physics-related questions, please contact
This online content was developed by Dr. Marija Nikolic-Jaric with input and direction from Drs. Michael Balogh, Rohan Jayasundera, Steve Pfisterer, Robert Hill, Carey Bissonnette, Chris O'Donovan, Laura Ingram, and Subasha Wickramarachchi.
Instructional design and multimedia development support was provided by the Centre for Extended Learning, University of Waterloo.