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Skip to contentChemistry Lessons
The lessons below target a variety of topics relevant to grades 11 and 12 chemistry curricula across Canada.
Lessons will be added to this site as they are completed, so check back often.
The Mole Concept
This unit contains interactive lessons that describe the significance, use, and applications of the mole concept.
In this lesson we explore the mole concept and the relationships between molar mass, amount, mass, volume, and number of particles.
This unit contains interactive lessons related to stoichiometry, a term that refers to the relationship between the amounts of reactants that react together in a chemical reaction and the amounts of products that are formed.
Acids and Bases
This unit contains interactive lessons relevant to acids, bases, and their chemical reactions.
Significant Figures
This unit contains interactive lessons that demonstrate the importance, and use of, significant figures in scientific measurements and calculations.
The History of Atomic Theory
Atom Economy and E-Factor
Chem Lab Days Experiments
These two virtual labs contains interactive lessons that simulates a visit to the University of Waterloo campus.